
 YPD Training Program

Religio-cultural Training and Resource Centre 

Chiang Mai, Thailand

14 – 20 August, 2003

Model Daily Program

7.30 am: Breakfast

8.30am: English Practice: Small groups sharing to improve our English

9.30: 1st Session

10.30: Break

11.00: 2nd Session

12.30: Lunch

14.00: 3rd Session

15.30: Break

16.00: 4th Session: Knowledge Exchange: Sharing of skills and knowledge by participants

17.30: Spiritual Sharing: 

18.00: Sport

19.00: Dinner

20.00: Cultural Activities

14 August: Introduction and Feedback from Exposure Program

Session 1: Introduction

Introduction to program and method

Practical issues

Session 2: Group Sharing of Exposure Experience

Session 3: Group Sharing of Exposure Experience

Session 4:

15 August: Young People’s Stories of Globalisation and Development

Session 1: Get to Know Group Dynamics

Session 2: Young People’s Stories






Session 3: Personal Sharing of Experience and Involvement

Session 4: Knowledge Exchange

16 August: Challenges of Globalisation and Development

Session 1: Reflection,  Synthesis and Analysis

Session 2: Plenary discussion – Facilitator

Session 3: Sharing on Globalisation and Development

Session 4: Knowledge Exchange

17 August

Mass/spiritual activity

Doi Suthep

Elephant show, butterflies

Night bazaar

18 August: Building a Spirituality of Development

Session 1: Recap

Session 2: Religious and cultural values for development

Roundtable: Fr Nipote, Phra Paisan, Muslim 

Session 3: Meditation – Introduction and personal contemplation

Session 4: Sharing of insights and reflection in small groups

19 August: Action for Development

Session 1: Action for Development Roundtable

Session 2: Thematic workshops: Solidarity savings, fair trade/cooperative, human rights, democracy, refugees, labor flexibility, food security….

Session 3: Plenary Action Proposals

Session 4: Knowledge Exchange

20 August: Local to Global Networking for Development

Session 1: Country workshops

Session 2: Plenary Action Proposals

Session 3: Conclusion and Closing

Session 4: Knowledge Exchange